
Now you’ve probably seen all the hype about Dermaplaning on social media, which has been branded as the treatment for glowing skin that is perfect for almost everyone. This treatment involves using a surgical blade to gentle scrap off dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz), leaving your skin exfoliated, smooth and luminous. Now we understand, you probably have a few questions about a treatment which involves scalpels, but we promise you it isn’t as scary as it sounds.

Benefits of Dermaplaning


Dermaplaning is a form of exfoliation; a scalpel is gently glided along the skin to scrap off the dead skin cells and peach fuzz. This exfoliation allows for better product penetration, meaning your skincare products will be more effective as they are absorbed deeper into the cell wall. Removing built up dead skin cells which can clog your pores also reduces the risk of breakouts. The removal of dead skin cells and peach fuzz also means your skin is left smooth, glowing and brighter, the perfect base for makeup, making Dermaplaning the perfect pre party treatment!

Is Dermaplaning Suitable for Everyone?

glowing skin

Dermaplaning is suitable for everyone except those who have extremely hyper-sensitive skin, acne or severe rosacea. Individuals with these skin types should avoid treatments such as Dermaplaning that will cause further irritation to their skin. If this is you then don’t fear, here at Skin Deep Cosmetic Clinic we have an array of treatments which will give your skin the pick me up it needs without the irritation. If you no not fall into those above skin types then yay for you, prepare for amazing, glowy skin!

How Often Should I Get Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is an exfoliation treatment meaning best results are achieved when you get regular treatments. The natural skin cell cycle takes roughly 28 days, so ideally having a treatment every 4 weeks to stay on top of dead skin cells will unsure your skin is clean of dead skin cells and debris.

Dermaplaning Aftercare

Dermaplaning is a gentle treatment with no downtime, after your treatment your skin will be left visibly hydrated and smooth. If you have skin that is on the more sensitive side you may have a slight pink flush to your skin, although this will only last a couple of hours. As for aftercare there are a few things you need to be mindful of:

  • Avoid exfoliating for 1 week – we have just done a deep exfoliation, so there is no need to over exfoliate your skin at home.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure – although you should already be wearing SPF 30+ daily (wink wink).
  • Avoid active products for 1 week – this includes retinol, AHA’s and Vitamin C. Use gentle hydrating products such as B3 and Hyaluronic Acid.
  • Avoid exercise, saunas and sweating for 24-48 hours post treatment.

Will My Hair Grow Back Darker and Thicker?


This is one of the most common questions when discussing Dermaplaning. The thought of shaving your face immediately brings up questions of hair regrowth. Not to worry! Dermaplaning will not change the growth or colour of your vellus hair. The surgical blade is glided across the skin at a very specific angle of 45 degrees; this is the natural angle that vellus hair tapers off at. This means when it grows back it won’t have a harsh blunt edge resulting in that prickly feeling. As Dermaplaning is a treatment that only works on the top layers of skin it does not have the ability to change the way the hair behaves. Changing the behavior of the cells in the hair follicle is the only way colour and growth can be affect, similar to how laser hair removal works.

Dermaplaning vs Microdermabrasion, What is the Difference?

Dermaplaning and Microdermabrasion are similar treatments in the way that they are both painless forms of physical exfoliation, however they both have their differences and we have broken it down for you to ensure you pick the treatment best suited to your skin.


  • A surgical blade is used to shave away peach fuzz and dead skin cells, revealing a glowing complexion.
  • This treatment is gentle enough to be performed on individuals with thin skin and those who have sensitive skin.
  • Skin is left instantly glowing with no downtime and minimal to no redness.
  • Visible results after just one treatment.


  • A microdermabrasion machine is glided across the skin with a diamond tip and vacuum to draw out all the impurities in the skin.
  • Is better suited to those with normal skin and isn’t recommended if you have very thin skin or broken capillaries.
  • Microdermabrasion’s remove dead skin cells but doesn’t remove peach fuzz.
  • Typically a course of a few treatments is recommended before seeing visible results.

Dermaplaning is the perfect party season treatment! Book an appointment today to have glowing skin tomorrow, we promise you won’t regret it.

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